Why One Way Streets Are A Problem

Why One Way Streets Are A Problem

  The first thing I thought when I read this was “looking at you, Downtown San Diego”. I know DTLA has similar issues, but the problem really has a strong presence in America’s Finest City. Whether it’s F Street, G Street, Front Street, et al, et al, it’s quite frightening how fast these “super streets” are. OK, I’ll let F and G slide, since they are derived from the 94; Front–and First Avenue–are derived from the 5. There are two other Petco Park influenced streets that can go one direction. Any other street, don’t think so. All the streets that cross through Little Italy it all left me flabbergasted about how many cars drive through DTSD. Amazing how much auto-orientation is involved in downtowns with the one way street. Good idea (at the time), bad execution. 

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